Turning toward a different adventure

I’m turning this blog toward a new direction, not exactly sure where it’ll go. The general path will be the ups, downs, and delays of publishing a book about a tough ride, inside and out. The video below shows important parts of the book.

I completed that ride after my cancer reached stage 4, in 2017. I’ve now finished an early draft of a book that shares that story. It’s called Long Ride: Cycling 4,000 miles with stage 4 cancer.

I’ve revised every chapter at least 5 times, and some many more. I’ve gotten feedback from special friends who are avid readers, and I’ve had four professional reviewers give me feedback. I’m looking for “ordinary reviewers” now, to give comments about what works or not in the story. If you know any ordinary readers who might be interested, please click here to learn more.

I’ll also add updates here to share this next adventure.