The folding bike race was intense. Seeing dozens of folding bikes was intensely unique. Seeing the outfits of other cyclists was intensely fun, and the race itself was intensely exciting and a bit painful. I’m proud of my cycling, since I’ve gone on cycle tours for over 1,000 miles, but that’s mostly slow and steady. This was intensely fast, although the cycling speed wasn’t the most intense part. That part involved my heart rate. It had to be over 200 bpm. I’m not sure if I’ll do this kind of race again, since slow and steady feels better to me, but I’m happy I gave it a try.
I met another rider who had an outfit that resembled the flag of his country.
It was great seeing so many folding bikes in one place.
The spokes on this bike have been replaced with, very expensive, shock absorbers, which are curled metal bands.
This is my entire outfit, with my bike. A penny-farthing is in the background.
Before the race, I walked around to a few areas where riders waited for their race to start. This is the place where the penny farthing racers waited.
I gave a happy waive during the warm up lap, not so much pain then.
All racers had to push our bikes to the place where we had to fold them.
The racers are in the distance, and the bikes are in front, all folded.
Here’s what my bike looks like when its folded.
I’m starting to unfold my bike in this picture, notice how many other riders are around me.
I’m still unfolding my bike, and there are still many riders around me.
I’ve almost finished unfolding my bike, and there are fewer riders around me, because they have already unfolded and left.
I’m nearly done unfolding my bike, which is good because there aren’t many riders around me.
I’ve finally finished folding my bike, which is good because there aren’t many riders around unfolding their bikes because they’re done and racing.
I’m that little dot on the left side of the picture, far behind the rest.
It looks like I’m a TV star, but the cameras were on all the cyclists. Since I was so far in the back, the cameras had an easier time focusing on me.
These are the cyclists at the front. I only saw them when they lapped me. 🙂