I commute to work on my bike. The worst part of my commute is that it has to end.
My commute starts here. My bike is on the left, leaning against my gas-guzzling vehicle, a Prius.
Cycling is full of surprises. This is wind turbine blade, being transported on a train Notice how the blade is as wide as the locomotive.how its
Another view of the wind turbine blade on the train.
One more view from a bike bride that goes over the bike trail I take. Ironically, the wind turbine blade was on the same train as many oil cars.
Another ordinary view from my commute.
Downtown Mnpls is in the distance here.
Further on, I get a closer view of downtown Mnpls.
I need to skip some tracks on my commute, but no worries, my mommy always told me to look both ways before sneaking over railroad tracks.
Downtown Minneapolis is down the tracks.
This an other pictures are from after work, going home.
The shoreline of Lake Bde Maka Ska, formally Lake Calhoun.
Someone in a kayak enjoying the wonderful night over the lake.
Mnpls kept many lakes public, so many people enjoy the shore–great energy.
A few months ago, I changed careers to computer programming. When I was looking for work, I tried hard to find a place that would give a nice bike-ride to work. I even turned down an interview at a place that didn’t have a good bike route. It took a while to find the right job, but now, I sincerely appreciate it every morning and night, even with a bit of rain, snow, or cold.
It reminds me a lot of bike touring, for 100s or 1,000s of miles. There is no bad weather, only bad gear. I will stop if the weather gets unsafe, but honestly, that doesn’t happen often. The simple yet spectacular sights far outnumber any uncomfortable moments.