Remembering a rare cyclist and friend

We’ve lost a good man. Every 5 or 10 years, I meet someone who’s uniquely strong and gentle. That was Wally Werner. He cycled 10s of thousands of miles in his 20-year career as a cycling guide. There’s a lot more to say about his professional accomplishments with cycling, but I want to focus on his gentle side.

In 2018, he led me and 8 other cyclists across the US. Everyone in our group, and some who briefly joined us, quickly respected and loved Wally. His cycling strength was only matched by his gentle spirit. I could say a lot about that, but pictures show it much better than any words.

We lost Wally this past weekend, and I want to clarify that it was a natural cause, not a bike accident. I’m crying while I’m typing, but I know Wally would not want any of us to stay sad for long. He’d tell us to get on our bikes, live life, and love it. He’d also suggest continuing his search for the perfect cinnamon bun.

More tears, Good-bye Wally. Many riders will be thinking of your when they’re on their bike and off.

2 thoughts on “Remembering a rare cyclist and friend

  1. I’m sorry for your loss, Steve. It’s tough losing a person you really respect and admire. I’m not the best with words or advice, but I guess the best thing to do is what you said Wally would say: get on your bike, live life, and love it. And also continue his search for the perfect cinnamon bun.
    Take care.

  2. Thanks for kind words Karl, and for reminding me of the advice I gave for myself. Even though I wrote it, it helps to be reminded of it, especially the cinnamon bun part. 🙂 Thanks again.

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