My first day in Sicily showed how just walking is an adventure. Traffic weaves, wanders, and often beeps, but it works. Horns from drivers feel like Italians talking. Their arms waive, voices raise, laughs are loud. Considering that, it’s no wonders that drivers honk.

In contrast, the piazzas are almost library-like, and the espresso is magical, which made it easy to have a few.

I’ve also enjoyed the Italians, also I imagine they’d prefer to be called Sicilians. Most know some English, and all have been friendly. The translator on my phone also helps a bunch.
It’s too late to write much more. I need to get to sleep, so I can start cycling tomorrow. The pictures below show more of my first day. Overall, it was a wonderful day, literally full of wonderful. I like this place.
Wow! I hadn’t realized you’d left alrady. I was thinking you’d be there in July for some reason… Looks like you’re having a GREAT time! Please keep us posted.
Thanks for the note, Karl. Yep, I’m now in Catania for my 2nd day. I wanted to start cycling today, but there were just enough to do that I’m staying here today as well. This place is chaotic and fulfilling in the best ways, more about that in my next post.
Off to a great start, Steven! Thanks for posting. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Did you put your bike back together yourself? That bike I needs a travel blog of its own, lol.
I did put the bike together myself, at least most of it. There always seem to be some spare parts.
Thanks for posts and pictures of your adventure. Tom Eckstein and I spent 20 days in Croatia on the Dalmatian coast and islands late April. An epic trip with lots of wine, lamb, olive oil and hills (the 6 yo 8 percent climbs we flat-landers) consider a big effort. Great fun. Good to be home in Minnesota for the summer. Your old friends remember you fondly and hope for more posts of epic adventures. Be well!
Thanks for all the interesting thoughts, Scott! There’s a lot to see in this wonderful world.
Looks like a great start to the trip. Love all the photos.