St. Paul Favorites

The route below shows some of the best sights in St. Paul. One is Grand Olde Creamery, which has great ice cream. Another is the St. Paul Farmer’s Market, if you cycle the route on a weekend morning. If you want to see pictures from the route, click the square icon in the upper-left corner of the map. It might also help to view the map full screen, by clicking the square icon in the upper-right corneer.

Some other highlights for this route are below.

Summit Avenue State Captial Grounds St. Paul’s Riverfront>
Many miles on wooded trails Often by a river Many hidden picnic spots, to return to later

The route is 17.5 miles, and most of it is on dedicated bike trails. The biggest except in cycling through downtown St. Paul. In that case, the route uses slow side roads, instead of busier streets. I usually take this route on the weekend, to finish at the St. Paul Farmer’s Market. That makes it even easier to cycle on the roads in downtown St. Paul.


I’ve cycled the route fast, in about an hour and a half, but going fast doesn’t feel right because you fly by many great sights. I recommend packing a lunch, stopping at a hidden picnic table in the woods, stopping again at the St. Paul Farmer’s Market (on weekends only), and of course, stopping at the Grand Olde Creamery. Of course, all these stops slow things down, but sometimes, the appreciating sights is better than speed.

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